
Showing posts from July, 2018


BLACK CLOVER! In a world where magic is everything, Asta and Yuna both are found abandened at a church on the same day. While Yuno is gifted with exceptional magical powers whereas on the other hand Asta is the only one in this world without magic.   Black Clover is about a child orphan that wants to be the Wizard King. The concept is similar to  Naruto  as Naruto was proven to sell in Japan and overseas in the Western market (as  One Piece  was unable to do as much as Naruto). With two of the big three anime have come to a close (Naruto and Bleach), One Piece remains and a next generations of three will rise to lead the industry forward. On of those new three is Black Clover. As for the success of the series so far, even though it is brand new. Black Clover has been scheduled for 51 brand new episodes!. At the age of fifteen both recieve their grimoires,magic books that amplifies their holder's magic. Asta's is a rare...


Finally one of the most thriller anime series..Attack on Titans Came with it 3rd Season ...                                                          Attack On Titan Season 2 ended with doubt in watchers mind, that from where did Eren get the ability of the Advancing/ Founding titan. And how was he able to control the titans? Why Reiner and Berthold were so scared after seeing the power in Eren’s hand, what exactly is this power? And How Eren Got his powers to become a titan..  it's still a great suspense for the watchers... And this can be revealed in the 3rd Season of Attack Of titans.. This season is going to be the most thrilling,full of actions... fight with titans.. Will they be able to find all the reasons... will they be able to find the missing pieces of the puzzle behind the titans  and Eren's Powe...


My Hero Academia a young emerging anime competing with all time best animes. It's a story of a young boy Midorima Deku who wanted to become a superhero like All Might,  the most powerful Hero .... He grew watching him wanting to become like him .. But ... He was not having any superpowers to begin with, which broke him apart but he never gave up.. One day he had an encounter with All might who was in his normal form and he saw a ray of hope in him when he saved a life without hesitation... And  All might passed down his powers to him.. Journey of becoming superhero of  Deku began... <script async custom-element="amp-auto-ads"         src=""> </script> He joined a school where they studied and how to become real superheroes and fight with villains .. But the power which was passed to him was not easy to control as it was a lot of power to control .. due to which he alwa...


One piece reaching an enormous height of action,thriller,emotion,adventure. A NON-ENDING beautiful journey across the world of ocean.  And it's gonna be more amazing....